From those who were there...
18 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
1. This movie was not released widely due to several factors I learned from a producer and actor in the film. a. The 'woman' who has been described as Hanoi Jane was a composite of several though she has been claimed to be Jane, alone. b. The 'slanderous' portrayal of 'Jane' was a concern to backers who felt they could lose $ in a lawsuit. c. Most people seeing it supported the facts and events, lawsuits and Jane, aside. 2. There were Chi-Coms,Cubans, N.Koreans, East Euro/East German types who were minimized in the film. a. These inquisitors conducted limited bio-chem acts against the POWs. b. These enemy military murdered POWs and have never been held accountable due to politics of the time and the present. c. The 'turned' POWs were either tortured or compliant. NO one could withstand the tortures. 3. To present day, techniques experienced are still used in resistance training in the US military, as well as our enemies. a. The use of physical and mental torture by our enemies then to the present time also is used and sometimes revealed in movies. 4. Hanoi Hilton is a good movie overall due to the actors used and their intent to portray accurately, the conditions of the POWs. a. While there are some flubs and heartstrings tugged, the movie was designed to show the human condition that made our enemies realize that we hold (any) human life in value. b. That we are willing to sacrifice dozens of our own to rescue one, to never leave anyone behind. 5. I learned that first hand on special missions, but especially Desert One in 1980. My crew was lost on the EC130E that was destroyed. a. The mission was not a failure. b. It showed our need to maintain the high standards of military preparedness vs weakness. c. We were willing to go full force to rescue Americans we never knew or met. That is the difference between those who oppress and those who free. 6. Hanoi Hilton should be shown to high school kids as well as those in training for military, civil, corporate employment. 7. Michael Moriarty was the right choice and voice. He was both humane and a leader. As an actor, he made sure that we knew it wasn't just a role. The man is someone I'd call a best friend. Get a copy of the film. Share it with family and friends.
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