Very Classy 'B' Movie.
12 January 2011
One night, a notorious cat burglar, just out of prison, is driving through the woods of suburban Surrey, surveying a grand property for a future heist, when he's hailed down by a young woman who has missed the local late night bus.

He drives her back to London and then pursues her.

Judy Dench plays the young woman, Joanne, a gentle, single parent of a boy, born out of wedlock (in the days when this was still a social issue). Her son attends a local orphanage where she helps out in exchange for his education. Peter Rayston, played by Tom Bell, is the handsome, edgy criminal with a kind heart who pursues her.

Initially, Joanne, is reluctant to get involved with this man who tries to woo her with his stolen fortune. Then she falls for him and the love story begins.

Shot in black & white and much of it at night. This is both a crime drama and a sensitive tale of a love in spite of itself. The film isn't quite a classic, more a classy B movie, but the cast are superb and its gentle message is memorable and effectively told.

Made just before London really started swinging, shot in a very grainy black & white, it would have already looked old fashioned by 1967. But it is still well worthy of a DVD release.
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