Review of Redline

Redline (2009)
Fast, Energetic, Must see on a big screen with loud sound!
12 January 2011
Out of random happenstance I went and saw this movie at the Reel Anime movie festival as it came to Canberra Australia. My only regret is that I didn't see this in a higher quality cinema.

When you see this movie, have the sound loud and the screen big. Its an experience I haven't had with a movie in a long time. I went in without any preconceptions other than the movie looked very zany after seeing the trailer on YouTube.

What surprised me most other than the very energized racing sequences, is that there seemed to be a whole back story to the universe where the races were taking place. There were hints of politics, history and other tidbits that made each of the locations that are visited and the characters shown have a lot more substance than just a pretty backdrop. You can almost imagine a whole prequel movie leading up to the events in this movie.

Of course this is anime so they did have a few of the cliché characters such as dashing yet arrogantly confident pretty boy and the "I have to be independent and strong" female character that gets his attention. Plus the usual loud characters or cool tough guys. But don't let that stop you, as it is what gives this story a bit of depth rather than being a series of mindless races. Plus the characters are a fun mix of races and designs.

The movie isn't about the subtleties of racing such as taking corners well or the art of overtaking by any means, its very much a "I'm much more driven and angrier than you, so now I'll catch up and overtake!", but with the world this is taking place in, the different array of vehicles all going up against each other and the obstacles that keep popping up, its just fun.

There is a scene where there are some boobs hanging out, but the story never gets sexual, so if you don't mind your kids seeing a little bit of breast you should be fine. The violence is a hard one, there is some serious fighting and some of the concepts as to how a person died may be a little scary to the younger kids, but a lot of this happens very fast.

Do see this movie if you want something visually engrossing, good for when friends are over. Just remember, have it loud and on a big screen!
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