I was surprised
9 January 2011
I normally avoid certain types of British film (costume dramas and films with people with posh accents pretending to be ordinary) and given the build up with all the usual sorts arty film people liking it (who also bumped up the awful "history boys") I had my concerns.

I went to see this as a filler, Boy - was I wrong. This is a truly great movie. I felt a lump in my throat by the end and was totally absorbed by its pace and story. George V speech to Bertie about monarchy was brilliant - Prince Charles take note. It had no saggy bits. It really captured inter-war London, the odd accents of the time and the class distinctions. The tone of the filming was excellent - the colours were reminiscent of paintings by the Camden group of artists. The now thankfully historic heavy fogs and smogs and the grime of the streets.

I thought the acting was superb and HBC actually made the Queen mum seem real - a little more restrained about the present Queen. The King comes across as fine chap standing up to his advisers and overcoming his fears to lead the country in its most dangerous time.
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