Review of Exorcismus

Exorcismus (2010)
Standard Exorcism Pic Offers Nothing Particularly New or Exciting
9 January 2011
Film isn't terrible--and remains more than watchable from beginning to end...its competently made and decently acted more or less. (sure the main actress may cause you to giggle a little when she first starts talking in the voice of "the devil" but i would argue she does a thoroughly professional job throughout---i always bought her as the character going thru this experience...and i never had a single problem with her in her non possessed scenes which would seem to be the mark of a decent to OK actress ordinarily.)

The big problem with this film however is that as decently made and as competent as it is, you know all the notes the film is going to hit long before it actually hits any of them. Even worse is that once the film starts hitting these standard operating procedure notes throughout--you begin to wish the film would do something the least bit different or at least off center other then ticking every exorcist film genre cliché off its checklist.

Does the girl have hallucinations? Check Does the girl start vomiting? Check Does the girl start taunting her loved ones and family? Check Does the girl eventually start speaking in a creepy low rasp that's supposed to be the voice of the demon inside of her? Check

I did try not to let the fact that this has all been done before stop me from enjoying the film tho and honestly you probably shouldn't either however overly familiar all this stuff may seem. The film has one slightly big reveal at the tail end that seems like it could turn out to be something different for an exorcist film. I won't ruin it here because that would be ruining the one good thing that's even slightly different about it....but its a plot twist that doesn't really get the exposure or follow through it deserves in order to really separate this film from the roughly three hundred others just like it.I really wished that the film would have offered up something to have justified its original title EXORCISMUS! which would have been fun to at least have been heard screamed several times over no?
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