Review of Stone

Stone (2010)
excellent performances in a very weak story
4 January 2011
This film has: an extremely convincing performance of nearly all of the main actors. Particularly noteworthy is Bob de Niro "comeback" after all the despicable "lati-grobman"-produced mediocre disappointing films, he finally managed to give a performance of his Golden Years. Lee Strasberg could have been proud of him here. De Niro's acting in this feature can be put in line with all his major dramatic achievements (Deer Hunter, etc). The main problem with this film is what I call the "no-story-thing". The script is so weak as if non existent. I'd like to pose the obvious questions: *Who* the de Niro's character is? What was the historic psychological dramatic crime he had committed in his younger years that made his wife wanting the separation? I am 100% sure that de Niros' character is in no way "accomplished" in the film. It is simply too inconsistent and unconvincingly odd. The same goes for Mila Jovovich character. Mila delivered here one of the best dramatic performances in her entire cinematic career, that is true. But Mila's character is also remarkably unclear, it is far too contradictory and inconsistent as well. We do not understand *why* she behaves the way she does, we do not understand what she feels about her troubled husband. If she is a psycho-prostitute or a cheap call-girl, that should have been stated more clearly. The film lacks any message, any consistent line or a well-elaborated "story". The script seems to be too poorly orchestrated. There are too many unexplained details that are altogether "too odd to be missed" and at the same time clearly do not indicate anything meaningful. Like, why the wife of de Niro's character must have "different-sized" eyes; does this "eye disease" connote something particular, or is just another accidental sloppy "oddness"? The film leads its viewer nowhere, the director has no message to tell to his viewers, and the way the movie ends only strengthens the feeling that the scriptwriter and the director simply did not know what to do with it, the ending is a CLEAR regrettable fiasco.
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