Bridalplasty (2010– )
This is everything wrong with "reality" TV all wrapped into one attitude riddled sexy? gathering of plastic surgery obsessed women
2 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This show is funny when you hear what it is about. Silly, when you sit down and give this show 10 seconds of your hard earned time on earth. I would not recommend this show to anyone except for those writing a term paper on horrible television programming.

The characters are laughable overused clichés of girls who have far too much attitude and makeup coupled with minimal cerebral activity. Yawn.

To summarize the actual show, I shall complete a play by play! : Girl wins a challenge, girl gets plastic surgery on her -insert body problem here- , and other girls come to console her in person or ridicule and scheme behind her back. Yikes.

This show was so interesting for nearly 20 seconds back in y2k. But today, this show has no place but to take up space in the void that is early year programming.

I hope you read this and run far, far away. I hope that your television show you are currently watching is making you laugh endlessly and melt away all of your fears regarding the upcoming work week.

Steer clear of this one, as long as you want to actually be able to discuss what you watched this weekend without being ostracized.
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