28 December 2010
One thing I can't understand about a number of low budget B movies made in the last 15 years or so is why their makers seem to think they can pass various locations in Bulgaria off as American locations. I can tell them right now that except maybe movies taking place in the wilderness, this deception DOES NOT WORK. Including this location - it's painfully clear that this American-set movie was shot in Bulgaria in every scene, with its eastern architecture and costumes. Still, I might have forgiven this movie for that if it delivered the goods, but it doesn't. The movie botches the scenes where you think there would be some good gratuitous nudity, and the fights (less fights than you'd think, by the way) aren't very exciting, running very short and not having very spectacular choreography. The movie also runs very slowly, with nothing but some extremely bad acting to amuse the audience along the way. The series came to an end at this point, not a moment too soon.
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