People who gave stars... saw the movie?
26 December 2010
If there's a place in the universe where people who misbehaves are thrown into, at the Welcome Ceremony this movie is shown... for eternity. To me, Schuldt is the greatest business man in the world since somehow, regardless of his EPIC ineptitude for making movies, he manage to kind of make 3 films (if we consider those transvestites movies)

The animation of The DOPLHIN is repulsive, period. The storyline has no emotion what so ever. Action and drama are presented in the most naive form possible. The Structure is missing. Acting, long gone in the draft of Piratas en el Callao. The cameras are the exact same thing a person does when using a 3D software for the first time. When characters speak they go in and out of the frame constantly. I simply don't understand what is wrong with this BASIC idea of film making! Point of interest... have you ever heard of that? The Depth of Field in the movie is... oh yeah, there's none. So everything is a composite of bad taste and no contrast for elements on screen.

If the budget won't let you improve your animations, rendering and effects, I can give you a great piece of advise Schuldt: Be humble and work hard on the story. HUMBLE.

There are a lot of books Schuldt should read and a lot of movies that are NOT straight for TV that he should watch. People like Schuldt are the reason why I cry for a dislike gadget at Facebook and a NEVER SHARE option in my browser.

If you simply think I'm exaggerating, don't trust me, just go watch the movie and you'll see why this movie don't deserve stars. We, as spectators, deserve an apology.
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