My kids wanted to go to bed instead of watching the rest of this movie
14 December 2010
I can't even begin to explain how horrible this movie was. My kids thought they were going to get a funny movie about a puppy. But instead they got scared out of their minds. Halfway through the movie they ASKED to go to bed. A big point of the movie was the foster mom (was that what she was? or was it an orphanage....but they don't have those anymore) was MEAN. She wouldn't let any of the kids have toys of any kind. If she found them, she would burn them. Now imagine my 4 year old who just LOVES all of his stuffed animals witnessing another child's doll getting incinerated. He was fairly traumatized, despite our protests that it was just a movie. The worst part was that she was mean just to be mean, and there was no redemption. The Santa was really creepy looking as another reviewer pointed out. There are many other issues I had with it, but there is really no point. It's just to bad that there wasn't much funny puppy stuff in it. It was mostly people talking, or crying, or being mean.
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