Rabbit Hole (2010)
Gorgeously acted, excellent film
9 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Rabbit Hole absolutely moved me. They don't make emotionally charged films like this anymore so I was delighted when I discovered it. And as someone who as experienced loss similar to the one in the film, I completely related to both Kidman and Eckhart's characters Becca and Howie. Even though the two characters reacted to loss differently, while watching them I thought "I've been in both places".

I was so impressed with Nicole Kidman and her ability to give such beautiful, understated yet fierce performance. She completely consumed her character which is such a treat to watch. We see the film through her eyes mostly. A woman who can't leave her house but at the same time trying to erase any memory of her past in the house. I completely connected to this woman.

It may seem strange to say but Becca is very funny at times. The way she snaps at her overbearing mother is sprinkled with humor. And when we lose someone, it isn't all "doom and gloom" so I really enjoyed the humorous moments. Aaron Eckhart was also on top of his game, this is a side of him I've never seen before in his other films: sensitive and emotionally open. Of course Dianne Wiest is great as usual!

I can't think of any other film that has shown loss and grief in such a realistic and true way. Maybe Ordinary People, but this film is quieter, less showy. It really touched me. I laughed, I cried and I reflected on my own life. I hope everyone that has lost someone close to them sees this film because I know it will help them in some way. To see "myself" up there on the screen made me feel like I wasn't alone. Rabbit Hole is an uplifting piece of art. It'll truly give you hope.
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