I'm Still Here (I) (2010)
Watching Phoenix Crumble is Equal Parts Funny/Painful
1 December 2010
I'm still not completely sure how I feel about Casey Affleck's faux documentary. I didn't really have any expectations going in and I tried to remain open-minded as I watched it the first time. At this point, I've seen the film 2-3 times and I remain uncertain. For those who haven't seen a tabloid in the past few years, the film follows Joaquin Phoenix's "retirement" from the film industry to pursue a new career in rap music. Over the course of the film, we watch as his life slowly degrades. He tears into his friends and enjoys cocaine-fueled sex with hookers, and to make matters worse...his rap music completely sucks.

At this point, it's common knowledge (for those interested in following these sort of things) that the film was staged. Affleck and Phoenix aimed to shoot the film guerrilla-style and to use it as a satire of celebrity. I don't want to ruin anything for anyone who hasn't seen the film yet, so I won't mention what was real versus what was staged. I do wish that Affleck had waited until after the nationwide home video release to admit Phoenix's retirement was staged. I imagine watching this film with the mindset that Phoenix's actions could very well be legitimate would change the whole experience.

I suppose I would say the film is funny, but it's mostly an uncomfortable humor. Phoenix's crap rhymes an weak live performances make you want to laugh, but you almost feel bad for him. From what we're led to believe, Phoenix is making an "honest" attempt in the film to shift gears with his career and watching him flounder is almost embarrassing. Then his behind-the-scenes freak-outs on his friends will make you cringe. Phoenix does an excellent job portraying himself as a man in the midst of a major life freak-out here and it's easy to buy into the act.

The technical quality of the film isn't the greatest. It was shot on a variety of digital cameras and some of them were pretty low quality, and the editing is pretty shabby at times with ill-timed jumps. I suppose it does add to the homemade, low-cost quality Affleck was shooting for. Overall, it's an interesting movie. It didn't have me laughing out loud much but I was drawn in to watching a life fall to pieces in front of me.
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