Review of Frozen

Frozen (I) (2010)
had potential but kinda blew it
29 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I have to write this one, though a lot people already made those points. however I want to balance the reviews a little, because there a too many that seem to be biased and thus kinda hard to believe.

first let me say that this isn't a 1/10 movie. it's not utter crap or terrible or something like that. even if all the neative things I read about this flick, how unlikely this and that is, are valid, the basic idea of FROZEN is still pretty good. it's just not a very good flick. the movie offers "some" cruel and intense moments. what's so disappointing about this movie is however, that director/writer Adam Green couldn't decide whether he wanted a psychological, claustrophobic realistic thriller or a rather blunt horror-stereotype. there are a lot scenes in the flick that felt so constructed and unlikely that it killed the tension and changed to unintentional humor instead.

i give you an example of what i mean: when the first guy jumped down and broke his legs, i thought that's very intense and shocking. good! but when he got eaten by wolves(!) i couldn't help myself and thought "okay, what's next an avalanche? and then a tree will fall on his head!". it would have been way more realistic and thrilling if he would have just laid there and slowly bled to death or had to witness the failings of the other ones unable to help.

speaking of the wolves: everything about the wolves is wrong in this movie. and i'm not even talking about the very unlike possibility that there are that many wolves in a popular ski-area like that. the problem with the wolves is, that they changed what this flick is all about, or at least what it claims to be (and should be). they made the movie about surviving wild animals and not about getting down from the lift.

none of the guys actually died because they froze or broke their necks or anything. the prime danger in this movie are the wolves. and pretty picky ones too. they just don't eat everything, do they? this makes everything just random and pointless. who survives and who don't is basically depending on the wolf packs mood...

there is other stuff that bothered me too. like those lame and cheesy dialogs between the shock scenes. i just can't imagine to watch my best friend jumping down a lift, breaking both his legs in the worst possible way, slowly freezing and bleeding to death and then be eaten alive by a wolf pack in front of my and his girlfriends eyes. and a couple of hours later I'm chatting about how i grew up and life in general, you know with the occasional laughter.

the overall behavior of the protagonists drove me crazy. just some examples: they didn't use their hoodies from their jackets. they didn't even bother to scoot over and warm each other. I mean... come on! I understand you still have to make a movie, but it's like I said, you have to decide if you want it to be realistic or simple, you can't have it both ways. the chick didn't even care to put her bare hand in the pocket, this is something that 99% of all mankind would to as a reflex when it's that cold. I'm not asking for a documentary here, but as someone already said, all those points add up and seem to me like a rather lazy effort.

I still dig the whole setting and idea, but someone should have looked this over and polished this flick, because the way it is now, it totally blew its potential. i still give a 5 for effort but i'm left disappointed.
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