Predictable, trite propaganda film
23 November 2010
"Action in the North Atlantic" was a disappointing, predictable, trite propaganda film. I can only assume that Humphrey Bogart did this movie out of patriotism, for this is no Casablanca or Maltese Falcon.

There isn't really a plot, I cannot imagine how one could even write a spoiler about this movie. After the first ten minutes you know the rest of it. It essentially glorifies the US effort to deliver logistics across the Atlantic, but does not in any way expound on this objective (other than that it's a good thing that we deliver).

The acting is contrived and formula-like, the minor characters frequently get on political soapboxes; pontification about God, country and President Roosevelt abound.

I'd recommend this movie only in the context of seeing how Hollywood supported the US war effort.
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