Well, it must be a European thing...but to me it seemed like "Porky's" and "The Benny Hill Show" morphed into one wretched film.
23 November 2010
I know the Carry On films were very popular--after all, they made 1038312 of them (more of less). However, as an American who did NOT grow up watching them (and no one in the States did), I have a very, very hard time understanding why they were so loved. After all, at least to me, they look like an extended episode of "The Benny Hill Show" with actual nudity along with all the smarmy and low-brow humor....very, very low-brow humor.

This installment finds two morons trying to get their girlfriends to accompany them to a nudist colony by tricking them. When I said it reminded me of Benny Hill--but this also looked like a 1980s slutty teen comedy but with older and unattractive leads. If you LIKE smutty humor that has absolutely no cleverness or finesse, then this film is for you! In addition to genuinely broad and dim writing, there are some horribly broad performances. The worst was the guy who played Dr. Soaper--most 6 year-olds are more subtle and professional! Not all the actors are THAT bad, but most are at least in the same ballpark as Soaper.

I am sorry, but I am the dissenting voice. I hated this film and just saw it as smutty and unfunny. About 2/3 the way through the movie, I just turned it off--life is too short.
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