Surprised that this film is rated so highly.
23 November 2010
I rented this film recently knowing very little about it other than it was some sort of character study of Chapman. Had I researched the film a little - particularly if I'd checked here at IMDb - I think I still would have hired it, since most of the responses are generally positive. I have no idea why.

This film is nothing more than pretentious garbage. There is no reason I can justify for making it. Don't get me wrong, I think a film about Lennon's murder provides for some interesting analysis of John himself, Chapman and the culture they shared. "The Killing of John Lennon" offers none of this analysis, in fact it offers nothing at all aside from a few music video aesthetics. It's obvious here that director Andrew Piddington has very little interest in giving the audience any sort of theme or meaning. There is no insight whatsoever into Chapman, although we're apparently hearing direct quotes from him. Vacant stares at the camera, still frames and other techniques of the film school variety do not equate to anything other than a superficial experience.

The performances reflect all other aspects of the production, very little preparation and effort is apparent with many scenes feeling like they were thought up on the spot. Jonas Ball occasionally slips into character, but more often than not I get the feeling I'm watching an actor pull out all of his "I'm crazy" tricks.

Dripping with self importance, the film does not hold a candle to any of it's fictional man-going-insane-withdrawing-from-society counterparts. I suspect that a conversation with Mr Piddington would be much like this film; self congratulating, stylish but with very little substance.
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