The Unknown (1946)
Fair End to the Series
21 November 2010
Unknown, The (1946)

** (out of 4)

The third and final film in Columbia's short-lived "I Love a Mystery" series. This time out Jack (Jim Bannon) and Doc (Barton Yarborough) travel to the South with a woman who claims to be the granddaughter of a woman who recently died. The will is about to be read and those who were expecting more money aren't too thrilled with the new family member and soon they're trying to uncover a secret from the past. Having now seen all three entries in this series I can easily say this is a major step up from the second film (THE DEVIL'S MASK) but not quite as good as the first (I LOVE A MYSTERY). I think this films biggest flaw is that there's simply way too much story and too many mysteries trying to be solved. The film starts off with a good ten-minute prologue that sets up various things that are going to happen throughout the film. I thought the opening was handled very well but the rest of the film didn't really build on it. Once in the present day it takes way too long for all the characters to be introduced and in the end the mystery just has too much fluff and not enough interesting things. Both Bannon and Yarborough slide into their roles quite nicely, although I'm sure there are going to be some that won't enjoy their brand of "comedy" so to speak. The real star is is Karen Morley who even manages to get the top billing. I thought she delivered a fine performance and really made her character quite interesting. The film's Southern settings are actually pretty good and we're really given a dark and Gothic look in this old mansion. There are many horror trappings mixed in with the comedy and drama but in the end THE UNKNOWN simply doesn't have strong enough of a screenplay to make everything work.
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