Cyborg Cop II (1994)
Put down your weapon, and rest your head behind your hands! ...wait, can we re-record that? No?
20 November 2010
Other than the same lead(and both sorta being revenge flicks), this isn't particularly connected to the first one(and no, the reporter doesn't return, nor is she referred to... at all). Yes, our motorcycling renegade DEA officer is back(and he's gotten less subtle about ripping off Terminator 2: Judgment Day). He takes down a terrorist(...I think), a man who takes no less than two separate hostages when they meet. Ah, but then the guy is taken away from death row because someone wants to make him into a cyborg(and no, there's still no "cop", the title remains a lie... their arsenal is cool enough though, with a flamethrower, a "blow-crap-up"(they refer to it as a laser... and it ain't) and a gatling gun), meaning combine his flesh with obvious rubber suits... I mean, metal, and they call him Spartacus, because they failed history class and the writer/director(who did the original, and some of the American Ninja movies) thinks that it's clever. He and the others turn on their masters, leading us to believe that maybe, just maybe, it wasn't smart to arm the crap out of criminals. Meh. Watching RoboCop 2 could have told them that(and no, the similarities couldn't be by chance). So, they want to take over the world... of course. If the religious tones to their dialog wasn't enough, we get beaten over the head with organ funeral music when they're on screen. This is as stupid as its predecessor, and not as much fun. It remains entertaining... in the opening, someone clotheslines someone, in the torso, whilst the latter is on a truck. No, seriously. Half the guns are automatics, yet everyone gets hit once. And we get some odd cuts, like no explosion(of which there are plenty in this) from a grenade launcher, yet one from a shotgun literally a second later. We get physical fights(one of them ought to be referred to as the "stop hitting yourself and your buddies" match) and shootouts again. The acting is hammy and poor. There's a new kid, I think, and he delivers about as bad a performance. Clichés aplenty, bad comic relief and, when they need to be, ineffectual wristcomputers(meant to control the bots). There is a nice amount of violence(less brutal, bloody or gory, for some reason), a few topless women and a little strong language in this. I recommend this to fans of B-movies. 1/10
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