It's Okay
19 November 2010
Before I get flamed, let me say I love the Beatles' music and am a huge fan of British humor (I 'get' it and understand the accents). That being said this movie didn't do much for me. Yes, it's cool to see the young Beatles and get a glimpse of their personalities - however manufactured for the film they may be. It's neat to see '60's London, the fashions and dance styles of the time. The music is impeccable.

The rest of it is just kind of blah. The jokes aren't particularly funny, the grandfather bit is lame, the constant running/playing/mugging to the music gets old, as do the screaming, fainting 12 year old fans. It's okay as a time capsule but certainly no masterpiece. Apologies to everyone for whom it's an essential piece of their youth - guess I just missed it by a decade or so!
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