Buyer beware .......
12 November 2010
The tape I ordered was to be 114 minutes and titled "Curse of Demon Mountain". The tape I received was 90 minutes, words were bleeped, it was recorded in EP mode, and the title was "Diamond Mountain". Now for the bad news. The quality of this tape is basically unwatchable. It's not the first disappointment I've had with this film. I previously ordered a DVD, which proved to have no audio. Maybe the movie really is cursed? From what I can gather, it is a very different kind of western. If you wish to see it, you might want to double check what you are getting before committing to buy, as I know I will if I decide to give this a third try...... Update. I finally was able to purchase a watchable DVD copy. Still bleeped, and of poor quality, but nevertheless watchable. "Curse of Demon Mountain" is a movie that has a lot of wasted potential. It's a shame, because the story is intriguing, but the acting, editing, and lack of a quality print drags it down. - MERK
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