Needle (2010)
Boring and Predictable with Fake Reviews
9 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
In the Saint Mary's College, the student Ben Rutherford (Michael Dorman) inherits a strange device from his deceased father. However, the device is stolen and out of the blue his friends are murdered, one by one, in a bizarre way. Ben and is brother Marcus (Travis Fimmel) have been estranged for years, but they get close again and discover that the machine is a tool built for revenge by Rubenstein in the Eighteenth Century. Further they also find that their father had killed his partner Robert Shawn ten years ago and now someone is seeking revenge for the sins of their father.

"Needle" is a boring and predictable teen horror movie. I was surprised with the two favorable reviews of this unoriginal film in IMDb, but they are fake and written by "users" that have only one review to promote this flick. "Lost Boys: The Thirst", for example, is promoted the same way in IMDb and I will certainly receive many negative votes and another favorable fake review will be written immediately after this one (this is the usual procedure). My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): "Força Oculta" ("Occult Force")
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