Great thriller in line with The Town
7 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
In Paul Haggis' new thriller, The Next Three Days, Laura Brennan (Elizabeth Banks) is accused of killing her boss and is sent to prison. Her husband, John Brennan (Russell Crowe) battles through the legal system for nearly three years before seemingly running out of options. Choosing not to go the Hilary Swank route a la Conviction and spend the next 30 years trying to learn and eventually beat the system, John elects instead to speak to an expert on prison escapes (a wonderfully placed cameo by Liam Neeson) to get pointers on what to expect in a daring prison break attempt. The Neeson character gives important advice in reference to the time it takes for authorities to seal off a city's exits, but also gives insight into what his plan should include – "You have to have the entire plan already in place. And you have to ask yourself, can you kill a guard, leave your kid at a gas station…cause to do this thing, that's what you have to become." Audiences are then treated to a taut and thrilling attempt by John to free his wife out of prison and reunite the family which includes their young son Luke (Ty Simpkins).

The Next Three Days is a better than average thrill ride filled with equal moments of edge-of-your-seat action and true emotion that spurs the entire cast. Crowe quickly makes us forget that Robin Hood stole our box office money earlier this year and turns in a top-rate performance as the husband who must become a criminal himself in an attempt to pull off the impossible. The supporting cast which includes a non-glamorous Banks and small but memorable turns by Daniel Stern and Brian Dennehy help bridge the quieter moments of the 2+ hour film.

As John maps out his intricate plan, he is met with obstacles that force him to revise his original course of action to supplement for the unforeseen complications. His attempts at securing financing and proper papers (Drivers License, Passport) take the majority of the film's running time and helps provide insight into the transformation of John's character that goes from college professor to cold blooded killer.

When John does launch his intentions, The Next Three Days soars as an exciting chase throughout the Pittsburgh streets and sidewalks as a group lead by Lt. Nabulsi (Lennie James) gives relentless chase to the fleeing Brennans.

Paul Haggis (who also penned the screenplay) directs for the first time since the underrated In The Valley of Elah in 2007 and crafts an exhilarating cat and mouse game that involves audiences in a root-for-the-family emotional ride all the while suggesting that protagonist John is equally guilty in his relentless pursuit. Surprisingly not complicating our support is the idea that Laura may indeed be guilty of the crime to which she was convicted.

The ever twisting screenplay shows Haggis' knack for writing scripts that don't allow audiences to get too far ahead of the story developments as unexpected and plausible scenarios affect even the best laid out of plans. This may leave lesser minded cinephiles wondering why certain scenes were not left on the cutting room floor (a DVD chapters worth of making a specific key, for example), but for those engrossed in the ongoing struggle of John's pursuit should appreciate the occasional red herring.

The sum of the above leaves The Next Three Days as on par or better than Ben Affleck's well-received The Town earlier this fall. It's a throwback to the superior thrillers of the late 1970's where the story journey's down unexpected highways while enthralling an audience along the way.
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