Review of Lost

Lost (2004–2010)
I'm LOST for words about how great this series is
31 October 2010
I can't believe I haven't written a review of this series yet, but I figured it long overdue.

I tuned into this series quite late because I wasn't into all of the hype it was receiving, plus I prefer to watch quality shows when I can run a marathon of them. Needless to say, I burnt through seasons 1-5 in about a week and a half, and am currently working my way through season 6.

This series questions all of those questions a real intellectual might have. The reasons of existence, freewill vs destiny, time travel, philosophy, human instincts, humanity, probability, conspiracy, and so so so much more.

If you have even the slightest inclination to watch this film, do yourself a favor and set up a quick and basic schedule on how and when to watch the series with the most fun possible. Perhaps every Friday through Sunday night with popcorn and some of your best pals, but be warned, once you start, you might not be able to control the vast array of awesomeness that is Lost.

Although this series never gets dull, there might be times where you question whether or not you should spend time continuing, so keep in mind that everything has a purpose, your mind is supposed to work as you watch, and that this series will always allow for interesting conversations as it is our generation's classic.

Enjoy every minute of this series, and when you're done, your perspective of quality will drastically change, it'll be like box wine to 1985 Marilyn Merlot (guaranteed).
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