Superb idea and fine case get muddled in the middle
25 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
"Little Mosque on the Prairie" was a great idea with a solid cast and some interesting story lines. The characters were well defined if some of the ones on the outer edge were cliché'd, if only to make the points the producer intended. When this show jumped the shark they went all in. The removal of one Rev., who largely worked with the mosque they hosted, for another that was less Mosque friendly signaled the change. Rev. Thorne was less a different point of view than a nemesis on which to place plots to eliminate the mosque from the church grounds. Aside from changing the tone of the show, the story lines became less and less believable. A Imam from the middle BOXING? That being said, we came to really appreciate the human nature in some of the characters. Most notably Yasir Hamoudi (played by Carlo Rota of "24" fame) was well drawn and interesting. He battled his need to be successful in business with his desire to keep his family happy and live within the tenets of his faith. Yasir's character kept the show rolling with humor. Baber Saddiqui (played by Manaj Sood) also provided an opportunity for the writers to show different sides of the same faith coin. More certain of the doctrine of his faith, he struggled often as a Professor in a university setting and as a loving single father of a modern daughter. Rayyan Hamoudi (portrayed by Sitara Hewitt) provided a literate, strong and competent character who could be a role model in any society. She was the faith driver in her family and made choices that showed her understanding of that faith. She was a remarkably different character from Baber, yet they agreed on so many things. Fred Tupper and several other characters provided contrast to Rev. Magee. Would that this show was willing to take a few more risks as the seasons went on. The first episode dealt with many of the stereotypes and provided edgy humor. Yasir's character disappeared during the fourth season and left a hole that could not be filled dealing the last blow. From there the scripts became safer and safer and the ratings continued to drop. I will miss this show more for what it could have been and for the people it tried to represent than for the potential it, ultimately, didn't reach.
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