In Treatment: Jake and Amy: Week Four (2008)
Season 1, Episode 19
23 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Jake and Amy come more or less together for this session. Jake keeps reminding Amy she is a snob. Well, after all, this is a woman that came from a different world than Jake, so it is only natural she would feel more at home with her own crowd. It seems Jake resents Amy for not appreciating his style of life and his friends.

In the course of conversation, Paul asks the couple to tell him how they met. Jake was playing with his band. Amy distinctly remember how electrified she felt when she first heard him. The way he handled her, at first, must have been thrilling for Amy. Now, as they are more settled in their marriage, she does not appreciate his way of doing things and for the group of friends he sees.

Jake gets irritated when Paul Weston mentions the word "interesting" as he tries to make a point. Jake swears if he says it again, he will leave the office. At some point, the telephone rings. Paul excuses himself to answer because he has been expecting an important phone call. Jake questions the therapist about this development. The way he figures their session as $200 per fifty minutes should be less. Not knowing the amount he is talking about, Amy tells him it is four dollars.

Another 'interesting' episode, using the term Jake hates to hear. Rodrigo Garcia directed Merrit Johnson's screenplay. Gabriel Byrne, Josh Charles and Embeth Davidtz do justice to the material assigned to them to play. This is an amazing milestone in American television because of its subject. Therapy brings some hurtful things to the surface of these people going through crises.
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