Cairo Time (2009)
Nice scenery - Incongruous Plot
22 October 2010
I really liked viewing the scenery around Cairo.

But... the plot and execution of the story just make no sense. Juliette (Patricia Clarkson) goes to Cairo to meet up with her husband, but is left stranded in Cairo when her husband has pressing issues to deal with as the U.N. manager of a refugee camp in Gaza. Apparently her husband has been involved in such activities for a long time. One would think that Juliette, would have TALKED to her husband and would have SOME knowledge of the culture into which she is arriving. But NO! Not only that, she is supposedly an editor of a major magazine dealing with cultural issues, and one would THINK, that in that role she would know something about differences in culture. But NO! Juliette in Cairo and has not a clue as how to dress, where to go, what to do or NOT to do. And once she has encountered problems with the way she dresses, she continues to dress inappropriately and violate cultural norms. She even seems to have a new and inappropriate stylish outfit for each scene! How did such a stupid woman get to be an editor of a major magazine? The whole plot is incredulous! Nevertheless, I was actually happy to see the movie and the scenery just not the scenes.
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