Alice In Chains.
18 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
About two months ago,I was reading my friends copy of Total Film.And,when I got to the letters I noticed an eye-catching reply,to a question that a reading sent in about Gemma Arterton.The reply said that "If you want to see A lot more of Arterton than you ever could imagine,than you should see Alice Creed".Having been intrigued by that,I went searching online to see if DVD was available to pre-order.Happily,I was pleased to find that the film was a very entertaining rough thriller.

The plot:

Two men who have just been realised from prison (who have also fallen for each other)decide to kidnapped a millionaires daughter and hold her for a huge ransom.Which,they can then use to live happily-ever-after.Due to having taken every effect possible to make the negotiation of the hostage (Alice)goes completely fine.But,what one of the kidnappers does not know is that Alice has a long history with the other kidnapper...

View on the film: Something that I found very surprising was when I discovered on the Making Of, that this is the first film that Writer/director J Blakeson has made.Due to the film being 80% set in one small flat and only having three characters in the whole film!.Blakeson,is cleverly able to doge any of the big pitfalls that the film could easily have fallen into.Instead he makes sure to make the movie feel very nerving.This is especially well done in the many scenes that take place in the bedroom where Alice is being held hostage,which have a very strong claustrophobic,tense feel.

Since I noticed her appearance in the latest Bond film,It has always seemed that the films that Gemma Arterton has been cast in,have usually been good,but always slightly disappointing.With Alice Creed,Gemma finally gets a role (and a film) that thankfully reverses that trend.Right from the first few opening minutes of the film,Arterton shows a stunning amount of venerability and deep terror in her performance.The other thing that really surprised me was the amount of extremely disturbing humiliation scenes that Arterton performs very realistically.

As the villains in the film,Marin Compston and Eddie Marson work very well as a "Team".Marson shows some,very unexpected sensitivity as the old time crook Victor.Comston contras this by by playing wheeler-dealer Danny as a very slippery character.Who,takes full advantage of other peoples weakness's.

Final view on the film: A very tense interestingly written thriller,with a very impressive performance by Gemma Arterton.
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