Captures the spirit, if not the essence, of the Beatles
17 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Literary influences like James Thurber, Franz Kafka, Lewis Carroll, and James Joyce abound, and it's no small coincidence that those three authors were among John Lennon's own cited faves.

Though neither Lennon nor his bandmates had anything to do with the making of Yellow Submarine (aside from knocking off some contractually obligated music and filming a short live action finale), the filmmakers tried hard to capture the same spirit and influences that inspired and informed the Beatles' latterday output.

While not a perfect animated feature, Yellow Sub ranks somewhere in the top 10 for most movie AND Beatles fans, and the old saying "Maybe you had to be there" doesn't seem to apply, as younger generations seem to adore the movie even MORE than each preceding generation.

Heck, about the only other person I ever heard who disliked Yellow Sub is psychedelic pop artist Peter Max, whose LSD-soaked visual style was blatantly appropriated for the film's design, with nary a nod in his direction for the inspiration. I understand he still gets royally P.O.d every time somebody tells him how much they love his (non-existent) work on Yellow Submarine --- but, hey, that's fair 'nuff payback for the way he ripped off Steranko, Jack Kirby, and Warhol.
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