Calvaire (2004)
(yawn) An Ordeal to Stay Awake
15 October 2010
I'm sure lovers of this film will just think I am an uncultured idiot who can't appreciate art. Think what you like, I was bored to tears - to say this movie moves at a snail's pace is misleading. It doesn't move at all! It literally takes its time going nowhere.

There's a scene where Bartel examines Marc's van, and I swear it lasted 15 minutes. Just what I want in a horror film - an old man looking through a van.... with no plot progression, no music, no startles or scares. Nothing! Other than being stuck in the woods - where exactly is the similarity to Texas Chainsaw and Deliverance? Those movies were gritty and filled with high tension... this was nothing at all like those movies.

So, if you want to hold your nose high and pretend this was high art, go right ahead. Meanwhile, I'll stick with some European horror flicks that actually manage to provide scares (i.e. Inside, REC, Let the Right One In, etc.)
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