Bob Saget: That Ain't Right (2007 TV Special)
Effing efftons of effing fun
15 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
All I have to say is EFF YES! How had I not seen this wonderful performance for three years!? Bob has been playing his fatherly personae for years, and making tons of money doing it. However, all that has taught us is that he is a fantastic actor, and he doesn't disappoint with this bit of stand-up. He doesn't just shed the puritanical, conservative, goofy daddy he's milked the teet of for years. He dumps it in a cow shredder (ever seen one of those things? They're machines that shred entire cows and goats and sheep like giant paper shredder. Not for the weak of stomach, but I digress) and Gallagher-s the audience with it. What most of the reviewers here haven't figured out is that he was just playing yet another persona. He wanted to come out and sell the fact that we've all been secretly wanting him to explode into a filthy Tourette-induced fit for years. Well, at least I have... Yet, to prove a point, admit to yourself, that, just once, you didn't want him to drop the F-bomb on Home Videos when some poor schmuck gets pummeled in the testes for the 100th time; or that you didn't halfway expect him to make some sort of messed-up comment to the Olsen twins on Full House which would make them cry and scar them for life. I say if you try and tell us you didn't have that urge, at least once, you're lying. All that this special was missing was him going into a Hulk-like rage and punching some random audience member in the face.

I just want to congratulate Mr. Saget for liberating himself from the oppressive yolk that's placed on the necks of so many entertainers by the mindless masses, expecting a person to adhere to the persona those members of the mob want them to, simply for their mindless entertainment purposes. I wish more celebrities would do this sort of thing more often. If that were the case, we'd finally be free of those terrible toilet paper substitutes that clutter our grocery store checkout lanes, yammering on about how some forgettable, temporary, "innocent" celeb got drunk and urinated on the Liberty Bell. I think what Mr. Saget was trying to say with this performance is that celebrities are human, just like the rest of us, and whether we like it or not, we all have those basal id instincts we try so very hard to hide in "civilized" society. All he did was just let it out, with reckless hysterical abandon.
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