This one didn't set well with me....
12 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
While I am a huge fan of "The Andy Griffith Show" (at least the episodes with Barney), I didn't like this episode very much--mostly because it did something that the show usually did not do--it made the characters unlikable as well as two-faced. Normally, the townspeople have a lot of affection and decentness towards each other--here, however, the message is confusing and a bit unsavory.

The show begins with a cocky but pretty lady (Jean Hagan) speeding. She is clearly guilty and instead of accepting her punishment, seems to think she's above the law. And, in the interval between her arrest and the trial, she manipulates and twists the men of the town until the witnesses (other than Andy) recant and she's able to walk on the charges. As I said above, the townspeople behaved very uncharacteristically here and it also seemed dumb because it was just a speeding violation! As a result, despite the ending, the show seemed very weak and didn't fit well into the series. A rare early klunker.
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