Avatar: The Game (2009 Video Game)
Saving the environment is usually not this fun
9 October 2010
Note that there is more than one version of this. This is a review of the one for Wii, where you can only play as the Na'vi and can only use two weapons. This is set before the events of the movie(and doesn't spoil it). After Rai'uk sees his village destroyed and he remains one of the only living members of his clan, he spends years studying the outlanders from afar, and learning their language. Now he has only one thing on his mind: Revenge. Let's get one thing straight: Licensed games almost always suck. This is by Ubisoft, though, and they are responsible for one of the two exceptions(the other being Aladdin), TMNT. This isn't quite up to that standard, but for what it is, it's pretty good. It's evidently rushed; not only is every single of the 13(length between minutes and around an hour; this will take you a day, day and a half tops to complete) levels entirely linear(with that said, several are memorable, and none are bad), you can only jump at specific points(A is for what little environment interaction there is in this, otherwise it's a roll), there are invisible barriers to keep this from having you die when you fall far down. There are few bugs and glitches; they're really all related to the use of the Motion Plus attachment. This is the first time I use it, and the only thing I've tried it on, so I don't know if the issue is with the thing itself or the interface in this. Anyway, it messes up the Pointer, and simply doesn't respond the way it's supposed to. It doesn't make this unplayable, though you can't really use the feature it's for(and you don't have to). You can take over the so-called Hellfire Wasp, and it can be used scouting(since it flies) and, apparently, sabotage. This isn't incomplete, either. And while it's short, and replayability is limited(three difficulty settings(even on the easiest this can be challenging), and it keeps a record of how many of the pick-ups you have for any given mission), it's very enjoyable. The bulk of the game-play(that really makes you feel like a skilled warrior, and a formidable foe) of this 3rd-person action VG is you running around, eliminating RDA troops(armed with grenades, assault rifle(and later on, bazookas) or sniper rifles), sneaking(along with the Zipwire, it's right out of Splinter Cell, from the same developer... in this, you hide by moving into the areas(high grass, a pond, etc.) where you'll be hard to make out; also, if you get spotted, see if you ride it out, everyone in this has lousy short-term memory) to take them out one by one(don't worry about hiding bodies, they all vanish instantly), preferably by Stealth Kills(some of them, the timing fits well and they look cool... others, not so much) and you will also engage in combat with those awesome mechs(you run away from and battle every vehicle from the three hour silver screen epic). You also get to go into and clean out human bases. In both, you're armed with a staff(with a precise and powerful strike(flick downwards), and another for hitting multiple ones(move it fast to one of the sides)... and it can sorta chain them, a little) and a bow(slow, accurate, ranged and impossible to hide when using... for some reason, B readies it and A is the trigger, kinda awkward; it is smart that you have to hold something down, and that you'll put it away immediately if you let go, more versatile and smooth that way). You can activate Way of the Hunter, enhancing your abilities, once the meter is filled(by doing well). It and your arsenal can be upgraded(the only RPG element in this), by collecting Eywa Spirits. Last and definitely not least, you get to fly(exhilarating and just plain a pure ride!) on the majestic Banshee. If you have a Balance Board(if not, I suppose you use the control stick), you can use it to direct it. Lean forward or backwards for downwards and upwards, respectively, and left/right match. You don't choose where to go, that's set(not that it's "boring", though... you'll sweep down past waterfalls and through caverns, as you fly across Pandora, and if high up, you'll pass the floating islands), you dodge obstacles and try to get powerups. Also, you can fire arrows from there, too(and if a second player joins for Co-Op, as can happen at any time with the jump-in/-out as seen in other titles, including Lego Star Wars and the X-Men Legends/Ultimate Alliance series, that one will take care of aiming and shooting), smashing mines in the air, and taking on the dropship-like aircraft from the film(one of the many things from it that they implemented). The expansive forests of the planet are well-designed and pretty, during the day and the night, as well. FX(water, etc.) are pretty decent for the console, and the same goes for lighting. The graphics are nice enough. Storytelling in this is mostly text against a still background... there are a handful of in-engine cut-scenes, and no CGI. Voice acting and characterization are fine. Boss fights can be great. The plot is overall predictable(and the message is as devoid of subtlety as that of the film... well, they are important things to keep in mind), if at times engaging. You will be prompted to do a motion with the Wii-Mote in certain situations, and it's used really well(if not to its fullest possible extent). This autosaves frequently, never forcing you to replay a lot when you perish. Z provides camera reset(turn it manually with the directional pad), and holding it down enables the invaluable Target Lock. C is for Sense(it really has a spiritual atmosphere to it), where you get "guidance" about where to head to(well, it'll turn you in that direction), and nearby enemies are highlighted. There is mild violence and disturbing content in this. I recommend this to anyone who loved the cinematic counterpart. 7/10
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