The Running Man!
6 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS** Fast moving crime drama with everyone's favorite, back in the 1940's and 1950's, man on run from the police Dane Clark as reformed degenerate gambler Steve Garry, who's as usual running from the police but this time not for a crime that he claims that he didn't commit but from keeping himself from being made to testify in his good friend and bosses, Phil Gould, trial in the murder of his wife!

Breaking into his ex-wife's, who's bank account he squandered betting on the horses and in the casinos, Virginia Merrill, Cathy O'Donnell, L.A apartment to hold up until the heat cools down. Steve give her this cock & Bull story about how he reformed from his gambling habits and is now a hard working and cost conscious man. To prove his point Steve shows a not so impressed Virginia a bank book in his name with him depositing into it $600.00 every month from his job back in San Francisco as a charter boat captain.

What all that has to do with Steve running from the police is that by him testifying in Gould's trial his testimony instead of exonerating him in his wife's murder would in fact send hims straight to the gas chamber! Not knowing what to make of Steve's story Virginia at first goes along with him in letting her stay at her place. This becomes very dangerous to her when one of Virginia's former room-mates Delores, Myrna Dell, boyfriend's the drunk as a skunk, as well as acting like one, LAPD Sgt. Quenin McCloy, Rhys Williams, meets her at the supermarket. With the annoying Sgt. McCoy buying Virginia a bottle of cheap $2.00 whiskey he uses the lame excuse of drinking by him crashing, drunk as usual, into her apartment! This later leads to a confrontation in Virginia's apartment with Steve who in keeping him from possibly raping her ends up bashing in McCloy's skull in with a chair thus killing him!

With Virginia now implicated in Sgt. McCloy's death she has no choice but to go along with Steve in disposing his body by faking a car accident. This brings the LAPD into the case headed by Sgt.Donavan, Tom Drake, and his bulldog like, in sniffing out clues, partner Det. Lou Brecker, Jeff Corey.

***SPOILERS*** As we and Virginia later find out Steve wasn't in fact telling the truth in his cock-eyed story about trying to protect Phil Gould from being convicted in his wife's murder. The fact was that Steve knew a lot more about Mrs. Gould's murder then he was letting on. So much more that he was willing to not only cross the border into Mexico but murder anyone,including Virginia, who tried to stop him!
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