Star Trek: Enterprise: Carpenter Street (2003)
Season 3, Episode 11
Shout-aloud boredom
7 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
For the Star Trek franchise, a surprisingly few amount of episodes have induced such a level of boredom as this one. While the teaser is technically short, the entire first 10 minutes of the episode is just following some random guy in 150-years ago (or modern-dayish) Detroit apparently working for the Xindi, in a long, droning sequence showing him living like a slob, picking up a prostitute and drugging her in the most blatantly obvious way (which says very little for her, too, as she doesn't react at all save in the most gullibly stupid way possible), and taking her to a warehouse place to hook her up to a facility with other humans for Xindi nefarious things.

I was literally groaning and sighing and yawning out loud, getting dazed and nodding off multiple times throughout the first thirty minutes of the episode. The rest fares very poorly.

Just when Season 3 was picking up to start to change the mold of mediocrity that seasons 1-2 had dug Enterprise in to, it goes straight back into that mediocrity with yet another one-off story which at least has the decency to involve the main Xindi storyline arc in it, as opposed to the last few episodes.
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