Duel Masters (2002– )
Terrible rip-off of a pretty bad series
3 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, "Duel Masters" is a complete rip-off of another bad anime, "Yugioh". (And like that show, the only purpose of it it's make the kids buy toys and cards) However, the people who made the dubbed version of this show, considered that they need to give it "something special" in order to distract the viewers about the fact this is, well, just a bad rip-off of a bad series. So they changed the script, and turned this boring show into some sort of bad comedy, where all the jokes are incredibly stupid or stolen from other cartoons, adding some random cultural differences (That would make look "Family Guy" subtle by comparison) and horrible, horrible songs. And then you have it: A terrible series turned into something worse by the "creative" minds of the dubbers...I have seen a lot of Japanese animations (Some of them very poorly dubbed) but no one were this bad.

This show deserves zero stars...
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