Mediocre story with bad direction...
25 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
1st watched 9/23/2010 -- 3 out of 10 (Dir-Steve Miner): Mediocre story with bad direction from Steve Miner makes what could have been interesting --- pretty dull. This true story is about a young girl from the depression era who is kicked out of her aunt's house, runs away, and dreams of eventually getting to Atlantic City and being a diver of horses(really, I'm not making this up). She has a love of horses and sees an ad for this position and has no idea what it is or what it takes to be this, but because of her current position she would rather be anywhere else and welcomes what looks like an adventure. Gabrielle Anwar, who plays the girl, is cute but there has to be more in a movie than just looking at a pretty girl. The direction is choppy at best and the story seems pieced together without good segways between the major story lines. The acting is OK, but nothing special. The characters include a boy interest, a new fatherly figure, played by Cliff Robertson(who is the boss of the side show she hooks up with), and a friend who stays to work with the company. She does get to Atlantic City with the show and dives but then suffers an accident that blinds her(this occurs late in the movie). She then has to work back into doing what she loves best while carrying her affliction(which makes the movie kind of Rockyesque). The story just doesn't have enough heart to carry it through, and the filmmaking is not good enough to make it watchable. Good attempt, but nothing special.
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