After the Promise (1987 TV Movie)
This family's destiny stays with me forever!
26 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is unforgettable! Fortunately I was able to tape it from Danish TV some years ago. I cry every time I watch it. It's just so cruel what those boys had to go through! I understand that the granddaughter of 'Elmer Jackson' has posted comments here indicating that the ending was not at all as happy as indicated in the movie. I would love to hear the true story, if she'll ever write it. I hope she'll get back to this site with a website, where one might reach her for more information. Mark Harmon does an awesome job in the movie as do all of the boy-actors. I do want to also emphasize Diana Scarwid. She is perfect as the new wife of Elmer and stepmother for all the molested boys. Loving, understanding and empathic. Was she based on a real person? And did little Melissa really exist? If so - how was her life? How did the boys' tragedy affect her, their half-sister - if she really existed?

My heart bleeds for that family - and for all molested and abused children of the world - whom this movie portrays so perfectly and heartbreaking. Lotte Aagesen, Denmark
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