Parents (1989)
Good, wholesome fun
26 September 2010
Parents is a short, simple and quirky semi-horror film. Classic, nah, but definitely a fun watch. The plot is simple and there's a few hints about what's going on before it all comes together in the middle. Before that you'll just be watching this 50's themed movie and not really be sure where it's headed because, well, it's more like a bunch of scenes that have no effect on each other at first (but isn't it like that with so many movies). That's not a bad thing though, because the 50's setting is part of what makes Parents a fun watch. There's the perfect happy family living in a perfect house but obviously something's askew, something dark and morbid going on behind the facade of perfection.

I wish some of the more interesting and relevant characters had been a little better elaborated upon, like Michael's friend or the social worker from school. I also wish his nightmares had gone into detail a little more because you never get to see why Michael gets suspicious of his family dinners in the first place. Otherwise, even though there's some things that could have been elaborated on a little more, this is a cool movie. There isn't much gore but that which there is, is modest and well-done, and the scene with the social worker is pretty hair-raising.

Towards the end, when you see the grandparents, you already know how it's going to end (and you're right). And still it's a fun watch. There's something humorous about the whole movie, it's not straight horror but the comedic aspect is not blunt enough to call it a comedy. Like I said the 50's theme helps a lot, say this movie took place in the 90's it would be pretty boring and unoriginal. But no, this is about the perfect 50's family and one very un-perfect secret they've been keeping. A way fun movie.
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