Quentin Tarantino is what you get when a genius grows up watching this kind of garbage
23 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This cheap and shoddily made rip off of The Dirty Dozen has only one thing in common with Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds. Both films are set in Nazi-occupied France. Beyond that, they have as much in common as a chicken does with an antelope.

The story concerns a group of military criminals on their way to be court martialed who manage to escape after a single German fighter strafes their convoy and then magically disappears like many other things do in this movie. The Bastards consist of a cowardly kid who of course proves himself in the end, a twitchy bon vivant who starts out the film as a racist and borderline psychotic but (in what is either satire, parody or the result of some profound emotional problems among the writing crew) ends the movie as the dashing young hero who gets the girl, a kooky counter culture type that really wouldn't have existed for another couple a decades, a black guy who doesn't take any crap and a leader who's so traditionally heroic he fits in with the other misfits as well as Hannibal Lecter would in a boy scout troop.

The Bastards decide to try and sneak through France and into Switzerland but get caught up in a plan to attack a train and steal the experimental gyroscope out of V2 rocket. Along the way they manage to kill more German soldiers than Patton, frolic with some naked German ladies, keep trying the same dumb plan that never works and prove they can run faster than a locomotive, even when they're fatally injured.

This film is crap. It's certainly energetically vulgar and enthusiastically violent crap, which probably explains why socially underdeveloped young men like Quentin Tarantino fell in love with this type of movie, but it's crap all the same. The plot is like someone telling a bad joke and forgetting how it goes halfway through. The dialog is about half step above monosyllabic grunting. The cast performs like they were picked up along the side of the road holding cardboard signs that all read "Will Overact For Food". Even the plentiful action scene are laughable, resembling nothing so much as a bunch of kids going "Bang! Bang!" with their fingers and then falling down when somebody says "I got you!"

The only reason this dreck made it onto DVD is because Tarantino decided to appropriate and misspell the title for his latest work. If you liked Inglourious Basterds, you won't like this movie. If you hated Inglourious Basterds…you still won't like this movie. It's only possible value could be in helping folks understand that Tarantino makes the kids of films he makes because he grew up idolizing cinematic trash like this.
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