Mad Men: The Wheel (2007)
Season 1, Episode 13
An amazing finale to a brilliant first season
18 September 2010
Here we come to the end of the first season, and the episode reminds us why Mad Men proves that it is one of the best shows in recent years, if not the best.

The episode was written and directed by the show's creator, Matthew Weiner. It brings us closer to Betty Draper's pain, and the remorse than Don Draper feels. It also keeps hinting at what Peggy Olson's new future will be, as well as give us a completely satisfying ending. The episode also has many amazing scenes, like the presentation of the Carousel advertising. In that moment, it shows how much Don has lived and how much his secrets could really cost him, together with some amazing direction, cinematography, and music. The episode shows just how flawed each character can be, including Pete's continuing selfish behavior, Don's hypocritical statements about a friend's affair, and Betty's naive and misunderstood cry for help to a kid.

Together with the end of the first season, it is to be said that the cast is amazing- one could not try to gather a better one. Jon Hamm is amazing in the central role, and I think that he will surely win his much deserved Emmy one day (after three years he still has not yet won). Elisabeth Moss is just getting started, as she is in her shining moment in the second season. January Jones is very underrated, but she has proved over the years how to play from the innocent wife to the lost girl inside to the cold-hearted woman in in the series. Of course, we also have the amazing Slattery, Kartheiser, and Hendricks in her sexy role. I also want to give a shout-out to guest star Anne Dudek as Francine, who proves in this episode what a great actress she is.

Ultimately, this episode is as fine as an episode can get, and since I started watching the series from the second season I can gladly say that it will just continue to keep getting better, and many will wonder how that is possible. But Mad Men will continue adding layered story lines to completely interesting and complicated characters.
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