Takers (2010)
A hodge podge of other great heist films
7 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
After reading some of the positive reviews of this movie, I must put my two cents in. This film is absolute crap, and if you are one of the few people who like it, you must not have seen many heist movies in your life.

Spoiler warning for something that happens at the beginning of the film. The film opens with a bank heist that desperately wants to be like the bank heist in Michael Mann's Heat, except that instead of a hard-ass bastards like DeNiro, Val Kilmer, and Tom Sizemore, we have a bunch of soft-ass pop singers and pretty boys like Paul Walker and Hayden Christensen.

You're supposed to believe that these guys are highly disciplined and bad-ass outlaws?! Gimme a break! After they grab the cash, they escape by running to the roof of the building, and tricking a news chopper into landing so that they can use it to escape! Right there I was like, what if the news chopper decided not to be stupid? Now you're stuck on top of a damn skyscraper with nowhere to run! Can you imagine if DeNiro's crew in Heat decided that their only escape plan was to chopper jack an escape vehicle?! It's beyond stupid, and utterly ludicrous! The filmmakers rip off a plethora of classic and not-so-classic heist films including Heat, the Italian Job, and True Romance. If you have never seen any of these movies, you may find this somewhat entertaining.
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