Review of 14 Blades

14 Blades (2010)
14 blades.
6 September 2010
At first glance "14 blades" seem like one of those kung – fu movies that tell an ancient story of the Chinese dynasty, how a hero with awesome moves kick butt and all. But out of all the movies with the same kind of background story, this one seems kind of special coz this one is kind of new age-y. I bet everyone has seen cool hypnotic movies like Evil Cult starring Jet li and the once upon a time in china series. Compared to those legendary masterpieces, has the modernization been that good an effect. I have to say no.

Watched IP man recently and was really impressed by it. (It's in my best movies list too ) And it gave me the feeling that the kung fu movie industry won't die after Jackie Chan or jet li. Coz there's a new guy in town, Dannie Yen. Doesn't seem like a hot shot action star but as far as moves go he is as good as any. Dannie yen stars in this one too and I gotta say I'm back where I was. Coz this movie certainly seems like a big budget movie than IP man but this one SUCKS A**. First of all the story is just a little bit effed up. Eventually you can figure out what the heck is happening and all, but initially, it's all just a big puddle of goo. You can't tell who's who and what's what. Like they expect us to know everything about the ancient Chinese history. Duh! Then again if I say that this is totally based on Chinese history I would give the wrong idea again. Because to me this seems like more of a fantasy flick. You know like something out of Final fantasy series. Coz the characters certainly doesn't seem like ancient Chinese to me with their more than modern clothes, funny mechanical contraptions and, get this, rocket launchers, for crying out loud!. When I say modern clothes you'll see how much the wardrobe of this resembles like something out of a manga. Overall this movie resembles a bollywood piece of crap than an actual Chinese masterpiece, (except from the little bit of kung fu it got of course) That's another thing that bummed me most, the lack of martial arts. I could see the potential of Dannie Yen in Ip man but here, they seem to have totally lost it. It's just a bunch of swords and stuff flying around. You can hardly pick out any actual thrilling kung fu. I thought people can do lot more these days when it comes to fight scenes but this Is disappointing. But please don't lose all your hopes. Compared to any other Hollywood action flick this is GOOD as far as the fighting goes. But in comparing with legendary kung fu movie like the Drunken Master this just . bites the dust.

By now If you are really up to still try this movie out I say go for it because of Wai zhao. Her sweet and innocent face always is something to behold. And Don't forget to see the old Sammo Hung in action. You know, the fatso from martial law. But when i say action, basically all he does is stand up and just keep staring!!!XD
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