Review of Armored

Armored (2009)
Just a bad movie all round that dosen't know what it wants to be.
6 September 2010
Alas despite a top-notch cast of Jean Reno, Matt Dillon and the normally reliable Lawrence Fishburne can't save this supposed "Action flick" of becoming a tasteless turkey. A basic story where security guards for an armoured truck company decide to steal millions of dollars of money but a newbie panics and it's splits up the team leading to problems. The script is terrible and very clichéd and even though the movie for the first half hour tries for character development (as it tried to be a sort of drama but fails miserably as it isn't touching in the slightest) it just leads to pointless talk about inconsequential things and as a result you just get bored. The film was far to slow in getting started and the action, well there was little of as it became more and more far fetched and actors who couldn't act. I was quite disappointed with this film particularly with Lawrence Fishburne as he was outstanding as Morpheous in the Matrix, as Ray Langston in CSI and great in a small cameo role in the recent predators. Though he did try better than the other actors the script didn't help. This is a movie which is bad in all departments and in the end I didn't care about the characters and what happened to them. This was an hour and a half but it felt like three hours. A bad movie all round and one to avoid.
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