Curiosity Guides the Space Ships, but Misguides the Railroad Trains
1 September 2010
First, in the City, Professor Wiseman designs a rocket, for Doctor Alvin Einstein and Professor Pizza to launch the Man with the Yellow Hat into space, to deliver food supplies to the International Space Station.

But, because the Man with the Yellow Hat does not have four hands to maneuver all of the buttons, and because Curious George does have four hands, Professor Wiseman, Doctor Alvin Einstein and Professor Pizza launch Curious George into space in the rocket.

Well, what could go wrong when Astronaut Curious George tries to play with the tools and gears and buttons and toys and food supply?

So, will the hungry astronauts at the International Space Station have to miss their provisions because of "Curious George's Rocket Ride?"


Next, in the Country, Bill the Country Neighbor Boy is expected to arrive by the Number 7 Train and asks the Man with the Yellow Hat to meet him at the train station.

Now, when Brother Clem takes sandwiches to Station Master Flint, the Man with the Yellow Hat must go outside with them to explain that two halves of a sandwich equal one whole sandwich regardless as to which way it is sliced.

And so, Station Master Flint, Brother Clem and the Man with the Yellow Hat leave Curious George in charge of the railroad controls because he's used to playing with toy trains anyway.

Well, what could possibly go wrong as Trains Number 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 356 make their scheduled rounds under the control of "Curious George, Train Master?"
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