Key to Largo Winch
1 September 2010
I just watched this movie during breakfast in my holiday.. Turned on the TV and saw Micky Manolovic in an international movie. I love this actor and know him from excellent performances in especially "Underground" and "When father was away on business".. This movie being very different than the Kusturica movies as I later realized still kept me watching. I love movies which contain different languages. Bosnian, Croatian, French, English.. it was great. OK so I understood from other reviews that the languages weren't always correct.. One person talking Bosnian while the other replied in Servian, annoying for the people who actually understand it but for me its always better than bad Russian accents in English representing Eastern European languages. Right? Having no knowledge of the original comic book I went totally free in the movie and found it very nice,intelligent and fast-packed with slick slight liked Bourne identity action scenes. Locations were beautiful, especially the magnificent island later in the film. And the business deal scenes were interesting as well. I also understood that the movie wasn't at all in comparison with the comic-book and lots of things were not as they should have been.. This could also be annoying IF you red the graphic novel.. But as I described with me this wasn't the case so I could enjoy it. Have to say that Manolovic for me played an important role for keeping my attention in the beginning because I didn't know were I was going into.. (I really like the actor and truly recommend almost all his movies) So don't expect much of it if you like the graphic novel but if you don't know it this french movie will certainly entertain you while waking up on your free day having breakfast/lunch whatever.. I rate it somewhere between 6 and 6.5
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