A sense of loss
30 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
As season six of Deep Space Nine come to an end Captain Sisko is given the task of leading the force that plans to capture Cardassia. On Cardassia Dukat has reappeared and has a plan to get his revenge on Sisko that will also open the wormhole to allow reinforcements to come from the Gamma Quadrant and defeat the Federation. A combined fleet of Star Fleet, Klingon and Romulan ships gathers at DS9 but on the eve of the battle Sisko is visited by the prophets who tell him that his place is near Bajor not leading the attack; he makes the choice that on this occasion his duty as a Star Fleet captain is greater than his duty as the Emissary. While Sisko and the fleet are away Dukat beams into the Bajoran shrine on DS9 and releases a Pah Wraith which wounds Jadzia and causes the orb to go dark; the wormhole suddenly opens then closes. At this moment Sisko senses something is wrong but isn't free to return. Once back on the station we learn that Jadzia could not be saved although the Dax Symbiont has survived. Unsure what he must do next Sisko returns home to Earth to contemplate the future.

This was a great ending to the series with a shocking finale, the first time I watched the episode I certainly hadn't expected the death of Jadzia, especially after the talk about her planning to have a baby. Terry Farrell who played Jadzia so well will certainly be missed. This episode wasn't all darkness, showing Dr Bashir and Quark sulking together when they learn that Jadzia is planning to have a baby when they'd both convinced themselves that her relationship with Worf would not last provided some humour. As is often the case with season finales there was plenty of spectacular action as the fleet goes up against the Cardassian defences.
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