Review of Neighbor

Neighbor (2009)
There are no words to describe how awful this is
28 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The fact there is the word "awful" next to the one when you choose it here is about as apropos as it gets.

This was bad. It makes Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 look like Citizen Kane and that is no exaggeration, my friends. Sometimes you come across a movie so poorly executed, you sit there mouth agape wondering if it's real. The fact that someone actually wrote what was saw on the screen down, in English, boggles the mind. Even the actors had to be giggling at how bad it was, not that these people are going to get a lot of work with the level of skill displayed (although it's not like they had a lot to work with) - but the lead guy, he was just terrible and he's supposed to be the brother of Neve Campbell. Well, Martin Sheen and Patrick Swayze have a bad actor brothers too, so there you go.

The guy who directed this mess should be punished. He should be locked in a room and forced to watch it over and over and over for a week straight. He should be arrested and fined and banned from ever directing anything ever again.

And for you wannabe filmmakers, take note. This is exactly what you do not do. If you want to make a movie, make sure there's a story. Make your characters three dimensional and work on your dialog. Just having a bunch of gore with no real story does not make an entertaining film. Learn how to direct a film keeping in mind the viewpoint of the people watching (this guy sure didn't).

Luckily we didn't have to pay to see this waste of a DVD and I honestly feel sorry for anyone who was duped into thinking this was an entertaining movie and forking out whatever money you had to pay (even a dollar is a rip-off).

I like to write letters for stuff that is really good or really bad (this being the latter) and the only place I can think of complaining is Lionsgate. Yeah, Lionsgate? Have they scraped the bottom of the barrel or what?
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