I want these two hours of my life back! (might contain some spoilers)
28 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie suffers from two major problems, which are the core ingredient of every comedy: - bad actors - with the worst definitely being the stocky co-worker of the lead character and the assistant of the diva - horrible verbal and situational humor (a running gag are the barbecue-sauce smeared faces of the characters interacting)

I don't care so much about the plot, which is typically lame for comedies. It's more about what happens in between.

It's a movie for a really simple audience, with humor revolving around the following sub-topics: cheating, little people, homosexuality, anal sex, fetishes (e.g. for elderly people/nursing uniforms), buddy-ism, actor's diva-ism, slapstick and chicken wings. Out-of-place interludes (not the Family Guy ones) and boring flashbacks are also very common in this flick.

Don't get me wrong, I like nudity, obscenity etc. in comedies, but it has to be put together in an intelligent manner. And some scenes really had potential here. For example, when the neighbors prepare a tape for the lead character to show him how anal sex can make a relationship work and the lead character bends down - looking for the batteries of the remote - and it looks at if neighbor is getting it on with the guy: This could have been a really good scene had it been placed in a more social situation, e.g. in an office environment shortly before a meeting. Instead, its just some out-of-place scene within a movie that seems made up of scenes like that.

Also, don't be lured in by the in Malcolm-in-the-middle actor - Christopher Masterson. I know that he did a great job in the show, but that show also had a plot, many great actors and the right balance between verbal and situational humor. While Masterson does some OK acting in this movie, its just not enough to save this horrible movie. Do me a favor, don't make the same mistake I did - listen to the reviews and don't watch this movie.
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