Puppy's are forever
23 August 2010
"When a man's best friend is a dog, that dog has a problem."

(from the opening credits)

This basically unknown oddball Independent film is an entertaining dark comedy. It's rated R mainly because of off color language and some sexual situations, which are hardly graphic. Underneath, this film is ultimately good natured at its core. A shrink tells a young writer named Solo, who's troubled and lonely, to try owning a pet to aid his therapy, so he hesitantly gets a "so ugly it's cute" puppy from the pet shop at the local mall. He's totally clueless on how to care for it. However, from that day forward he is never the same again. Suddenly and unaccountably, everyone he encounters becomes smitten by his puppy, who's the real star in this feature. The themes hinge on lost hope and looking for love and connection in a confusing world. Solo happens to meet a pretty woman who, unexpectedly, is also troubled and lonely. Aside from the language, this is a surprisingly charming and quirky little film involving lost souls who meet a dog that inadvertently leads him to some answers about their plight in life. This is lighthearted fun but not exactly a family or children's movie. The ending is touching and sweet. Dog owners in particular will get a real kick out of this film.
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