Review of 2:13

2:13 (2009)
Tedious and derivative serial killer fare
21 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
While not quite a direct Seven rip off (check out woeful Christopher Lambert thriller Resurrection for that dubious honour)this movie is a feeble addition to the overloaded serial killer thriller genre. The identity of the killer should be obvious early on. There are also various plot continuity errors and contrivances which others on the site have commented upon which really stretch credibility beyond breaking point. Add to the story just about every cops and killer cliché in the book.

On the plus side the acting is serviceable, there are quick cut shots of some gore during the murder scenes which are OK and the pace of the story quickens approaching the climax which is ruined by a laborious detention room scene (with the other cops watching behind the ubiquitous two way mirror). This ending gives the opportunity for the killer to spout more of his Shakespere quotations (don't ask) and for the cop to utilise a preposterous hypnotism skill he picked up from earlier in the story.

"Best" of all is the twist timed for 2:13.

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